Monday, December 24, 2012

Tambah umur

Tinggal beberapa jam lagi gue udah gak berumur 14 lagi. Tapi 15. Dalam waktu setahun, udah banyak terjadi perubahan yang cukup dominan dalam hidup gue. Pindah rumah, misalnya. Tahun lalu, 25 desember 2011, gue masih ngerayain ulang tahun gue yang ke 14 di rumah depok. Sekarang, 25 desember 2012, gue akan ngerayain ulang tahun yang ke 15 ini di rumah baru di wilayah pejaten. Gue juga bertambah dewasa, semoga. Menurut gue begitu. Gue udah bukan anak smp lagi, udah SMA, udah gede. Kalo kata orang, masa sma itu masa masa paling indah. Karena gue masih baru jadi anak SMA, gue jujur belum tau apa indahnya masa SMA. Yah, gue hanya berharap, SMA bakal lebih baik:-)

-Ariza Muthia, seorang anak sma.
Sent from BlackBerry® on 3

Saturday, November 17, 2012


baru aja gue liat satu post yang membangun banget dari blog temen gue, hana. kalian bisa liat postnya di sini . di salah satu postnya, dia bercerita tentang tumbuh, berkembang. cara dia nyeritain itu yang bijak, diselingin sama kejayusan khas hana yang buat gue suka banget sama post itu. dan gatau kenapa, gue terinspirasi buat sedikit nostalgia tentang kehidupan gue waktu kecil.

tiara waktu kecil itu, tepatnya waktu gue masih bayi, bisa dibilang gue dulu sangat cengeng. dan gue merasa kalau gue dulu itu tipe tipe anak yang nyebelin, soalnyaa gak ada suatu hal pun yang gak bisa buat gue nangis. postur gue waktu itu kecil dan kurus banget akibat dulu gue sempet kena penyakit flek paru paru dan emang pencernaan gue yang gak bagus.

beranjak waktu gue umur dua setengah tahun. gue mulai berkembang jadi anak kecil yang masih cengeng, tapi seenggaknya dulu gue udah gak secengeng sebelumnya. mungkin karena gue anak paling kecil, ngeliat kakak gue mulai masuk tk tuh dulu suatu hal yang baru buat gue. karena gue dirumah sendirian, akhirnya mama nyoba masukin gue ke playgroup. dan percobaan itu gagal total. gue cuti (bahasanya sok iye) dari playgroup 2 bulan lamanya. yah walau setelah 2 bulan gue mulai bosen dan akhirnya mau masuk pg(singkatan dari playgroup) itu lagi, dan udah gak bolos walau kadang nguring kalau mau ditinggal mama ke kantor:'). waktu itu, gue, seiring berjalannya waktu, mulai berkembang jadi anak kecil yang cerewet. dan gue itu imajinatif, terlalu pemikir. gue bisa jadi orang yang terlalu logis untuk usia gue, tapi terkadang imajinasi gue mencapai tahap yang melebihi orang seumur gue. waktu gue umur 3 tahun dan masuk TK, gue malah ngerasa  aneh. gue keliatan kayak anak yang bahagia kalau dirumah. sementara, waktu di tk, gue sejujurnya benar benar merasa di bully. teman gue selalu merasa seperti bos, dan dia terkadang iri sama apa yang gue punya, bahkan sekedar baju seragam baru. gue inget, dulu pas gue baru beli seragam baru, gue dijauhin sama dia dan temen temen satu tk karena seragam itu. pulangnya gue nangis dan minta biar besok gue pakai seragam gue yang lama seberapapun bututnya seragam itu.

saat gue masuk sd, jujur gue belum bisa baca. nulis mungkin gue udah bisa walau masih berantakan, tapi seenggaknya gue bisa. tapi gatau juga gimana, dalam waktu 3 bulan gue udah bisa baca. dulu, waktu gue masuk sd, gue selalu dianggep anak kecil, dalam maksud positif. waktu gue masuk kelas  3 sd, gue mulai ngerasain abstraknya kehidupan. di umur gue yang masih kecil saat itu, gue udah ngerasain bagian kecil dari pahitnya hidupuntuk saat itu: di khianatin sahabat sendiri. waktu itu gue melankolis banget, dan imajinatif. terkadang gue berfikir terlalu berat buat diri gue sendiri. dan masalah masalah seperti itu, gapernah gue beritaukan ke orang siapapun itu. selalu gue pendem sendiri. dan gue selalu cepat banget maafin orang yang udah ngekhianatin gue tadi, sekalipun gue tau dia tipe seperti apa dan gue tahu dia bakal ngelakuin hal yang sama. gue sering terlalu gak tegaan sama orang, yang gak pernah gak tega sama gue. bahkan gue selalu tega sama diri gue sendiri. mulai ke tahun ke 5 gue jadi murid sekolah dasar, temen temen gue sedang dalam masa  'puber'. saat itu saat dimana temen temen gue udah ngerti sama masalah cinta cintaan, dimana gue saat itu masih mikir gimana caranya biar bisa jajan jajanan pasar yang biasa dibeli anak sd dimana dulu (dan sampe sekarang) mama paling protektif sama yang namanya jajanan semua anaknya. mereka mikirin tentang temen sekelas gue yang ganteng dimana gue masih mikirin tentang permainan yang bisa kita lakuin saat itu. yah, saat itu mulai kerasa kalau jiwa gue masih ada pada jalurnya, dimana yang lain (menurut pendapat gue) terlalu cepat berkembang. ada satu kejadian lucu yang sampai sekarang masih menggelikan kalau gue inget inget. dulu pernah ada orang yang sempet suka sama gue, yang akhirnya gue jauhin karena gue masih gak ngerti apa itu suka sukaan. dan orangnya, bisa dibilang dia salah satu orang paling ganteng di sd gue dulu. entah gue naif, atau emang gue masih polos saat itu.

mulai masuk smp, barulah gue rasa itu saat saat puber gue. gue baru mulai ngerasain apa yang temen gue rasain waktu kelas 5 sd. saat itu lah gue baru ngerasain apa namanya sakit, yang gak keliatan sakitnya (ok, ini sok melankolis....). dan hal itu terus berlanjut sampe gue sekarang, kelas X sma:').

hidup itu kayak roller coaster, sebagian dibawah, sebagian kecil lainnya di atas. dan hidup itu pasti mengaharpkan sesuatu yang berkebalikan dengan apa yang dia punya. biasa nya, anak kecil ingin cepat dewasa, mereka ingin bisa cepat bebas  tanpa kawalan orang dewasa. sementara orang dewasa biasanya ingin kembali ke masa kecil, dimana tertawa lepas adalah hal yang bisa dibagi kepada orang orang terdekatnya, saat tidak banyak hal yang mengganggu pikiran kita.

dalam hidup, sakit itu wajar, dan pasti ada. kayak waktu gue kecil, mungkin jiwa gue masih polos, masih bahagia tanpa banyak hal hal yang ngeganggu aktifitas, tapi fisik gue gak total. sekarang, semakin gue tambah dewasa, semakin berat sakit yang ada. bukan cuman fisik gue yang gak total,  tapi juga jiwa gue yang gak total, terganggu dengan tugas yang ngerenggut waktu, tenaga juga pikiran gue, yang lama lama ngerengut fisik gue yang emang dari awal gak kuat kuat banget.

pelajarannya cuman satu. hidup, tanpa kesakitan itu gak masuk akal, omong kosong. tapi, kesakitan itulah yang membuat kita berkembang menuju lebih baik dari sebelumnya, membawa perubahan perubahan kecil dalam tubuh kita. sakit itu, seperti kata orang dulu, adalah tanda dari tumbuh dan berkembang. sakit adalah awal menuju kedewasaan.

sekian nostalgia kita hari ini.
intermezo malam hhari, oleh orang yang berusaha untuk bijak

Ariza Muthia.

ps: makasih hana! post hana sangat membangun. terus buat post post bijak itu ya!:')

Friday, November 2, 2012

Little Things -One Direction

Your hand fits in mine 
Like it's made just for me 
But bear this in mind 
It was meant to be 
And I'm joining up the dots 
With the freckles on your cheeks 
And it all makes sense to me

I know you've never loved 
The crinkles by your eyes when you smile 
You've never loved 
Your stomach or your thighs 
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine 
But I'll love them endlessly

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth 
But if I do, 
It's you, 
Oh it's you, 
They add up to 
I'm in love with you, 
And all these little things

You can't go to bed, 
Without a cup of tea, 
And maybe that's the reason why you talk in your sleep 
And all those conversations 
Are the secrets that I keep 
Though it makes no sense to me
[ Lyrics from: ] 
I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape 
You never want to know how much you weigh 
You still have to squeeze into your jeans 
But you're perfect to me

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth 
But if it's true, 
It's you, 
It's you, 
They add up to 
I'm in love with you, 
And all these little things

You'll never love yourself 
Half as much as I love you 
You'll never treat yourself right, darlin' 
But I want you to, 
If I let you know, I'm here for you, 
Maybe you'll love yourself, 
Like I love you 

And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth, 
Because it's you, 
Oh it's you, 
It's you, 
They add up to 
And I'm in love with you, 
And all these little things, 

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth, 
But if it's true, 
It's you, 
It's you, 
They add up to, 
And I'm in love with you, 
And all your little things.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

a serious virus called 'mood swing'

I don't know what happened with meh, but recently I've infected by a very serious virus called 'mood swing'. Yap, I'm a little (re: a lot) moody this couple week. I mean, in this couple week I've got a serious mood swing, a lot serious than what I've usually got. I've thought that these are because I was tired. Yeah, this couple week I got insomnia, and I couldn't have a break cause of these full-day-of-school (that are crazy)-_- when I got my mood swing I usually just sat in my chair look gloomy, looking like having a problem but I'm not. Even I don't know what make me feel like that-_- believe me, I don't want to be in that condition that even my self is uncomfort with that situation and my mood swing. That was silly. So, I want to apologize to everyone that are feel uncomfort with my manner recently. Even I didn't know why I was that gloomy and feel uncomfort with that. Again, sorry a lot:-)


Monday, October 22, 2012

i just wanna open your eyes, and make you realize
if we only knew is we could be a beautiful miracle unbelievable,
instead of just invisible
she cant she the way your eyes, will light up when you smile

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

me, and my senior high school day

heyyo, back again blog!!
firstly, i wanna say that, i almost forgot my last post and last time i posted it:O. yeah, i didnt post too much (read: no post for almost 6 month mihihi) cause im busy with senior high school thing. guess what? im a senior highschooler now!! uuu how time flies too fast;) i want to talk a little bit now, not too much because i still have o study for my test tomorrow hikss. i want to tell about iyop, one of my verybestfriend from munlag, had study abroad to spore to take a musical school there. yop, i you read this (i doubt you would, haaa) i wanna tell you that i miss you and love you soooo much. pelukciumjauh dari tiara xoxo({}):*. i want to tell ya about my new school and my new class. im 1/32 member of XenamGanas, and im a member of 28'15:"). enought i think, i will write about Xenam later.

Tiara/Ariza/Riza xoxo

Thursday, June 14, 2012

idk what happened with me now, i wanna try to make a poem. hope you'll enjoy it! x

please remember,
even distance threw us apart
it doesn't mean it was the end.

it just the beginning
we just started this
we will learn how
to keep this

go, reach your dreams
we will wait you
we wont let you
come back and cant find us

so please stay with us
we will wait
we just need you
to stay inside us
to keep in touch with us
to keep being part of us<3

dedicated to my beloved bestfriend. yop, it's for you<3

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


The Girl sides are:
Ade Feby Zain: dedek tuh baiik banget, dan lawaakk parah! dedek jago banget cheers up orang;)
Annisa Pratama Putri: alias 'app' alias 'apepe'. app tuh cantik, baik juga, manis jugaa
Ariza Muthia: alias gue sendiri.
Asri Nidya: seatmates gue waktu kelas pm di kelas D. anaknya baik, manis, asik diajak ngobrol, nyambung sama gue, semua yang baik baik deh pokoknya
Aulia Anggita Sastra: the one who can cheers me up. anggi sering jadi tempat curhatnya gue, she's a good listener. she can calm me down when im broken, thanks nggi:")
Cintya Tri Ayu Apriliansyah: cintyaa!! koplak iya, baik iya, ramah iya, gila gilaan iya, pokoknya semuanya!
Deanda Puteri: dia itu baik banget, ramah dan cantiiknya banget bangetan!
Enggasari: baik, manis, imut, ramah, dan asik banget! apalagi pas diajak gila gilaan
Farah Parwati: asik, baik juga, dia manis, cantik lagii!
Fauziah: ini ibu ketua kelas kitaa! fauziah alias papau itu cantik, manis, asik, dan tanggung jawabnya tinggi:)
Frida Amalia: alias cekidos. gue juga gatau kenapa dia dipanggil cekidos-_- phobia karet gelang
Hany Rusydina: alias hany swanswiftcullen.... dia sering nulis namanya kayak gitu-_- kadang dipanggil bwuntul. manissss banget orangnya, baek, cantik, suaranya bagus, pinter and the one i usually shared stories with. temen sebangku gue. dia temen gue gila bareng, ketawa bareng, kadang nangis bareng, curhat curhatan, apapun. glad to have her as my chairmate:''
Mega Fradina: mega tuh imuuut banget, cantik juga ramah jugaa
Indri Suci: alias eci. nah eci itu imut banget, dan dia cantik
Nada Kamilia: cantik bangeet, asik dan manis juga, baik pula
Kintani N. Fitri: dia juga manis kok, cantik dan baik. dia kalo ngomong sama kayak suara gue teriak-_-
Marsha Maharani: anya tuh baik, tapi sedikit pendiem. manis, cantik, dan dia keyboardnya jagooo banget!
Riska Dini: asik, baik, manis, seru, lucu, pokoknya dia itu superbaik dan super ramah
Nurmalia Batara: dia itu baik, asik juga, ramah juga pokoknya yang baik baik deh
Melinda Ariyanti: super baik super manis super asik super gila pinter gila. temen pertama gue yang anak lama 107:)
Natasha Naomi: sempet jadi seatmate gue sebelum sama hany. dia anaknya baik dan ramah dan asik di curhatin soalnya dia pinter nyimpen rahasia hehe

boy sides-nya lanjut nanti ya:)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

mis niñas, mis mejores amigos

Lemme tell you to this atractive, insane, loved, patient girls who I love the most. My 2nd family, mis mejores amigos:


Munlag is like my 2nd family to me. They not a group, they're family. Munlag's form is from the name of two family that we made that they're belongs to each other; the Mumun and the Lagnat.
The mumun are:
Iyop: Mumun's godmother. The cleverest in our relative, and the pretiest too. But, she's the autist-est in munlag.
Ami: Iyop's 1st son(eh) I mean, daughter. From the outside, she looks like a boy but inside she's a real lady.
Nurul: the youngest in this family. Less-insane then ami. She's sooooooo patient hehehehe:')

Now, the lagnat are:
Aul: Lagnat's godmother. My momma. Mytextingfriend. We usually had our own confersation that other people can't get how funny it is. Just me and her who know it, wkwkwk
Anggit: aul's 1st daughter, my big-sister. The craziest in our family, the funniest, the most atractive. He can make me laught untill ROTFL! I mean, really roll on the floor, the real one.
Tiara: me, yes I'am! The youngest in this fam.

Beside munlag, I have an other family, mis niña, Vira. She is my other family beside munlag and my 1st fam. She's my niece, the love one. She make me feel important when she told me her stories. That's why I loved listening to her experience. And she is a good listeners too.

I feel uninsecure when I'm with them, they make me feel comfort. gracias por las historias que me dio a mí. Te amo chicos♥
Sent from my BlackBerry® via Smart 1x / EVDO Network. Smart.Hebat.Hemat.

What Makes ME Beautiful:')

Thanks 1D for telling all girls in the world that she is beautiful:')
"What Makes You Beautiful"

[Verse 1]
You're insecure,
Don't know what for,
You're turning heads when you walk through the door,
Don't need make-up,
To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough,

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

[Verse 2]
So c-come on,
You got it wrong,
To prove I'm right,
I put it in a song,
I don't know why,
You're being shy,
And turn away when I look into your eye eye eyes,

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

Na Na Na Na Na Na Naaa,
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na [x2]

[Middle 8]
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful([Zayn:] Oh),
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately ([Harry:] Desperately),
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,

That's what makes you beautiful
Sent from my BlackBerry® via Smart 1x / EVDO Network. Smart.Hebat.Hemat.

Friday, April 27, 2012


a verry loong time no post. i just done my national exam. i do it siriusly so i hope that the score would be great. after this, it would be a FREEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! or it would be borring? i dunno, we look forward for this. i just wanna share it, so i need to go now!

kbyeee, much love

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

History of FelIX2

In this part, I would tell you about my incredible, most loyal, and the best class ever, even with delapantujuh. Yap, I would tell you abut felIX2! (I don't really good in gramar, so in this section I would tell you about felIX2 in bahasa, in case my mind stuck in the gramar and this post goes more late to post mehee―̈v)

Waktu liburan kenaikan kelas 9, satu satunya hal yang gue pikirin itu adalah, gimana cara gue buat adaptasi di kelas 9. Yah aneh buat sebagian orang, tapi itulah yang terjadi. Bukan karena apa apa, tapi karena gue pindah sekolah, dan gue... I'm afraid of changes, when I finally found a real best friend in munlag. Hard to realize that in the 9th grade, I have to get adaptation again, after I get someone that had a best friend figure in me. Waktu pertama kali masuk, gue masih belom terdaftar di kelas manapun, karena di 92 anak pindahan ada 2 dan yang satunya itu cewek, namanya Natasha Naomi, jadi bu septin, wakasek bidang kesiswaan nempatin gue disana. Gue sih iya iya aja, gue gak kenal siapa siapa disana. Waktu dianter ke kelas, ternyata kelas gue itu adanya di lantai 2, pojok dan persis disebelah kamar mandi. Pertama kali masuk gue duduk berdua natasha, dan orang lama yang pertama kali gue kenal itu melinda, yang sekarang jadi temen deket gue.
Anak pindahan yang satunya lagi itu cowok, namanya M. Dwiva elnando, seminggu atau 2 minggu setelah mulai belajar, Rayzi Riskika baru masuk. Yah biasa lah kalo cowok kan enak, baru masuk langsung deket sama anak lama-_- gue awalnya masih rada risih, belum kenal siapa siapa. Sekitar 2 minggu setelahnya, gue diajak kenalan sama anggi, dede sama hany. Mereka semua baik banget, dan gak tau kenapa obrolan kita bertiga langsung nyambung (you have to know that what I talk about and what my seatmate talk about isn't really match. I dunno why―̈) so, gue langsung deket sama mereka bertiga. Nah gue sama anggi dikenalin sama banyak murid lama, bahkan diajak main sama temen temen deketnya anggi. Disini gue mulai ngerasa kalo bu septin tepat milih IX2 buat jadi kelas gue. Bahkan gue lebih deket sama mereka dan melin daripada sama "seatmate" gue. Waktu masuk lagi abis lebaran...baru lah gue ngerasa IX2 lama kelamaan makin solid, makin deket satu sama lain. Yah banyak hal yang sering dilakuin IX2, salah satunya nyanyi bareng sambil diiringin gitar sama arief, Gue karna suka nyanyi (-_-) jadi sering ikutan. kita juga sering foto foto pake slrnya riska, gak sering sih, cuman kalo udah foto foto keliatan banget betapa solidnya kelas kita, dari situ gue mulai kenal IX2. Seiring waktu kita makin lama makin deket, makin solid. Pas classmeet lah malah yang buat kita, terutama yang cewek cewek makin kompak. Mulai dari ngerencanain rujakan, bakar bakaran (yang akhirnya 22-nya gak jadi-_-) sampe waktu kita buat mading di rumah riska. Nah, disitu lah nama felIX2 dibentuk. Gue yang ngasih ide. Nama itu asalnya dari kata "felix felicis" gue ambil felix-nya, yang artinya "cahaya". Angka 2 itu gabungan dari IX2, maksudnya 92. Jadi nama felIX2 itu artinya "cahaya 92". Keren kan? B-)
That's all. So far, I proud being part of them, I proud I was choosen for this class.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Ed Sheeran -Lego House

This is was the official video clip of Lego House- Ed Sheeran. I don't really know who he is, and what that song mean but actually, rupert are the actor of that music video! Meheee ―̈v you know, that I'm obsessed with harry potter series. Oh come on, no one hates this series. I'm a potterhead! And I have an obsession with the Weasley, most of all Ronald weasley. And that's why I looooove rupert grint! Yeaaaah. And oh yeah, I found that song was great, even I don't really know what its meaning meheee―̈ must watch that video!
