Tuesday, May 31, 2011

less than a month till the class end. less than a month i'll leave this lovely class, and, this school. masih gak percaya bentar lagi gabareng bareng lagi, gak bakal ketemu anak anak lagi, gak bisa main bareng lagi. mau nangis sebenernya tiap ada yang ngomongin tentang itu, pstkgn.
   gak pernah nyangka kalo seminggu lagi terakhir kbm. tinggal seminggu belajar bareng 87. dan, kuraang dari sebulan lagi naik naik, pindah pindahan. gak mau. gak mau pidah. T.T

Saturday, May 28, 2011

july, please dont be faster T.T

gamau cepet cepet bulan juli. gamau pisah sama mulag :'( gamau pisah sama sebarisan :'( gamau pisah sama 87 :"( kalaupun gue harus bener bener pindah sekolah gue gamau ninggalin mereka. jujur, berat pisah sama anak anak sebarisan, susah. kita semua udah deket banget, susah pisah sama mereka :'( kalo boleh milih juga gue gabakla mau dipisahin sama mereka semua, mau terus sama sama lagi, kalo misalnya cuman naik naikan sih masih biasa, kalo kayak gini? susah buat ningalin mereka semua. pasti bakalan kangen sama 87, apalagi sama sebarisan, sama iyop, ami, anggit, aul, nurul, ikhsanfahrimikael. gamau pisah, kangen mereka semua :'( :'( semoga aja mereka gak lupa sama gue, semoga aja kita berenam, kalo sama sebarisan bersembilan, gabakal lostcontact :'( sedih juga kalo mikirin juli :"(

study trip, jogjakarta, 5th-8th march 2011th

aaaaa miss that moment so damn much :( aaaa :( udah lama sih sebenernya, tapi emm keingetan._. jadi di postnya sekaraaang :)

1. im in bis 2. my 'bismates' mostly are 83's student-_- but, they're really cool! insane for sure!
2. pak nasir masih pagi aja udah ngegodain orang-_- ada aja gitu yang digodain, kakak kakak tourguides nya-_- yeah, insane for sure! miss our insane moment with bis 2 :(
3. pas lagi di peristirahatan, andika sama fahri masuk bis 2, katanya mereka ke usir di bis 3 *iyakan ya?* wkwk~
4. sepanjang perjalanan tiap ada lobang pasti fahri teriak "awas pak ada lobang" *and i think he do it when he was slept at our journey back home, i hear it._.*
5. kita nanyi lagunya wali yang 'bukan bang toyib' dan tiap ada kata kata toyib yang lain langsung teriak ngeliat gagah, pak dadan pak nasir juga ikutan wkwk^^ ngatain gagah itu~
6. pak dadan mutusin senarnya dika, wkwk, terus dika menjim gitarnya siapa gitu lupa gue._.
7. tiap ada lagu kata katanya dibalik balik, paling seru pas lagi nanyi iheartyouuu~
8. nadiya disamping gue otp-an-_- njiiir envy parah -_-- gue, smsan mlhjtkjtkan-_-
9. arrvd at jogja! arrvd at 01.00 am at the next day and yeah, begadang time!! nyampe sana cuman jalan jalan keliling hotel, tidur jam 03.30 and woke up at 04.00! rock!
10. first place to visited, keraton. pas di situ zena kayak orang mabok gitu, linglung-_-
11. prambanan, we toke alot of foto here. terus kita hunting bule buat diajak foto, seru sekali \m/
12. telat makan malam-_- gara gara telat makan dan kekurangan udara bersih(?) pas lagi jalan mau balik hotel gue seseknapaas hah-_-
13. felt asleep. gak jadi begadang malam itu. gua tepaaaar. tidur jam 00.00 bangun jam 04.00 am
14. at borobudur, i dunno why i felt so bored that time-_-
yeah, there's alot of our memorise, and my memorise in jogja, bis 2, and with them. i love them so much and i proud to be a part of bis 2. here are some photo of me and bis 2

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

taylor swift- back to december

I'm so glad you made time to see me.

How's life? Tell me how's your family.
I haven't seen them in a while.
You've been good, busier than ever,
We small talk, work and the weather,
Your guard is up and I know why.
Because the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind.
You gave me roses and I left them there to die.

So this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying, "I'm sorry for that night,"
And I go back to December all the time.
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you.
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine.
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it all right.
I go back to December all the time.

These days I haven't been sleeping,
Staying up, playing back myself leavin'.
When your birthday passed and I didn't call.
And I think about summer, all the beautiful times,
I watched you laughing from the passenger side.
Realized that I loved you in the fall.

And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love and all I gave you was "Goodbye".

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying, "I'm sorry for that night."
And I go back to December all the time.
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you,
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine.
I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time.

I miss your tanned skin, your sweet smile,
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night --
The first time you ever saw me cry.

Maybe this is wishful thinking,
Probably mindless dreaming,
But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right.

I'd go back in time and change it but I can't.
So if the chain is on your door I understand.

But this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying, "I'm sorry for that night."
And I go back to December...
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you,
Wishing I'd realize what I had when you were mine.
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it all right.
I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind

I go back to December all the time.
All the time. 

that should be me- justin bieber

Everybody's laughing in my mind

Rumors spreading 'bout this other guy
Do you do what you did when you 
did with me
Does he love you the way I can
Did you forget all the plans 
that you made with me 
'cause baby I didn't

That should be me, Holdin' your hand
That should be me, Makin' you laugh
That should be me, This is so sad
That should be me, That should be me
That should be me, Feelin' your kiss
That should be me, Buyin' you gifts
This is so wrong,
I can't go on,
till you believe that
That should be me

That should be me
You said you needed a little time
for my mistakes
It's funny how you use that time 
to have me replaced
But did you think that I wouldn't see you out at the movies
Whatcha doin' to me
you're taken' him where we used to go
Now if you're tryin' to break my heart
it's working 'cause you know that


That should be me, Holdin' your hand
That should be me, Makin' you laugh
That should be me, This is so sad
That should be me, That should be me
That should be me, Feelin' your kiss
That should be me , buyin' you gifts
This is so wrong,
I can't go on, 
till you believe that
That should be me

I need to know should I fight
for our love for this long
It's getting harder to shield
this pain in my heart

That should be me, Holdin' your hand
That should be me, Makin' you laugh
That should be me, This is so sad
That should be me, That should be me 
That should be me, Feelin' your kiss
That should be me, Buyin' you gifts
This is so wrong,
I can't go on,
Till you believe that
That should be me

That should be me, That should be me
That should be me, That should be me

Saturday, May 14, 2011

edited by me! \m/

                               taylor swift-lovestory

87 kampung

love being part of them. enjoyed this class for sure. they're close to me rite now. love them so much. dont wanna leave them. dont wanna leave this lovely class. enjoyed this class for sure. love our lovely class, love being part of the crazyabstracabnormal line. part of the crazyabstracabnormal line are: aul, ami, anggit, iyop, nurul, myself (ofcourse) + four crazyabstarabnormalautisme man.but i still love them so much. they're insane for sure! love being part of our lovely 'delapantujuh'. gue kenalin ya satu satu:
1. siska cs
siska: not too respect with her. sok pinter sok imut yaiks-_-
lala: siska's seatmate. baik, pinter, kadang nyebelin tapi u,u tapi gak seyebelin siska sih u,u
dilla, savira: baik, kadang nyebelin. emang sih gue rada gak respect sama siska cs-_-
wiwi: the most i respect in "siska cs" paling baik, paling ngerti apa yang ada di pikiran guaa
siti: anak paling pinter di kelas tapi gak sombong, gak sombong kayak siska-_-
2. munlag ({}) + four crazyabstractabnormalautism man
gue: ofcourse-_-
aul: anakgauuuul di munlag. baik, mama aku ;)
ami: apung cilangkap wowooo wkwk. baik anaknya ;) putih lagi(?) paling asik diajak kabur ke mesjid ;;)
anggit: apung cilangkap jugaaa. baik asik iseng juga kadang-_- paling pinter diantara sebarisan ;;)
nurul: baik anaknya, manis anak baik baik deh. ekspresinya datar._.v
iyop: baik deh anaknya. cantik lagi. cuman kadang suka terlalu polos. dan suka naampol orang gajelas--_-
mikael: autism, abstract. gleeks. terobsesi sama kurt makanya terkadang suka ngebencis gitcu deh(?)
ikhsan: anak gila. anak autis. gajelas. kadang caper-_- gabisa ditebak
fahri: anak gila. baik sih anaknya, pinter pula. pinter fisika dan jadi anak kesayangan bapak dadan~~
erico: nocomment aja sama dia-_- rada gimanaa gitu sama erico gue males-_-
3. anak berandal-_-
jangan nanya. susah dijelaskan tentang mereka-_-
4.  anggota lainnya
jangan ditanya juga gatau mau komen apa._.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

i dont wanna move on T.T

did you ever feel like you have a crush to someone but, when you talked about someone, another man, he like jealous to him and you and him are lostcontact? i did it, yeah, after we talked about someone, after that he dont message me like what he always do. before this, he alwas text me first, and we texting allnight. but now? he dont reply my message. he like angry with me and i dont know why. my frien always told me that i have to move on, but its nott simple. im in love with him for a year. yeah, a year. not as simple to move on to somebody else. and i dont have thing to move on. she always say that i have to move on. i cant still like this. he always hurt me, he cant do it anymore. its not easy. yeah, i just dont wanna move on but i dont want him to hurt me more than it.